Some other sites you may find useful:
Growing Cacti from seed indoors under lights. Video. All you need to know!
Click here
British Cactus and Succulent Society
Promotes study, conservation, propagation and cultivation of cacti and other succulent plants. Find membership details and public collections.
Superb - not to be missed! Web site in french and English language about the history, culture and collection of epiphytic cacti. Lots of photos.
Check out..
Ralph's Hardy Cactus Site
A diary of hardy cacti growing outdoors permanantly in Surrey, England
Recognition and Culture of the Holiday Cacti
(Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis) Temperature& Light; Water, Acidity, Fertilizer; Pests, Diseases, Prevention and Cure ... The true "Christmas Cactus" is Schlumbergera x buckleyi
Covers epiphytes in detail especially Rhipsalis.
Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall. The premier cactus and succulent website with links to web pages and other related Internet facilities. Provides extra information on the actual cultivation of cacti and succulents as well as hundreds of cactus related links.
The Amateur's Digest. Down-to-earth information center for lovers of cacti, other succulents, caudiciforms, and other collectible plants.
Cacti_etc. A listserver devoted to the discussion of all aspects of cacti and succulent plants.
GardenWeb Cacti and Succulent Forum. Information exchange for cactus and succulent lovers.
Cacti as houseplants
A colourful and informative site with lots of interesting cactus snippets
. A great reference site devoted to the Mammillaria genus.
Au Cactus Francophone
Cactus et Plantes Succulentes ou Grasses - This is an interesting guide to botanical gardens and succulent information from French speaking countries. Translations from the French are available in 13languages. It is well organized and a good effort at using translation programs
Columnar cacti. A terrific site on many of the columnar type cacti.
Cold Hardy Cacti - A Spanish only guide to cacti and succulents.
The Gardening Centre
Shop online at the gardenerscentre for a wide selection of garden and gardening supplies and products at low internet prices and fast home delivery service -
X Mediolobivia